Hi, from the 10th November this year to 10th November 2024 when I reach the grand age of 65 I will be attempting to raise £6500 for South Yorkshire Chaplaincy & Listening Service.

Through various events/endeavours over the 12 months I want to raise enough money to train a minimum of 9 new Children’s Listeners to work in schools providing a safe place for the children to talk.
To train one staff listener it costs us as a charity just over £700.
If you would be kind enough to donate anything towards this target it would be much appreciated.
The following are some of the things I will be attempting to do to raise the money:
- Stand-up comedy Show
- Sky Dive (those who know me well know I am petrified of heights)
- 10 K run
- Art Exhibition
- Penalty Shoot Out with pro footballers
- Coffee, Cake & Chat event
- Plus other ideas to be confirmed
I will keep you updated on the 10th of each month how we are doing financially.
If you can donate 65p, £6.50, £65, £650, or the cost of a coffee, Pint of Beer/Lager, Bottle of wine or for those who love curries, the cost of a curry. Every £1 will help us get to our target.
Click on the link to give at Baz’s Justgiving page.
A massive Thank You for your support!!!