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We deliver customised training on listening.

We have a team of trainers that deliver training on various aspects of listening and support skills, to both organisations and individuals.

The aim is to equip people to become highly effective listeners, and to facilitate organisations in providing a supportive environment that considers the well-being of its participants. Our team delivers customised training on listening and well-being related subjects. As our trainers have considerable experience in not only delivering but also writing training courses, we are able to customise the training provision in discussion with individual organisations. We deliver corporate training in listening and engaging in supportive conversations to support an organisation’s staff well-being programme. We can also provide training in how to set up a Listening Service should you wish to have your own in-house service using staff volunteers.

Whether your organisation wants to develop the skills to listen, really hear, and value the people in your organisation, or you are interested in serving your wider community by setting up a listening service, we can help you. Being listened to without interruption or judgment in a safe space can enable people to resolve their issues, identify positive action they could take or help restore their self-esteem and sense of worth. By establishing listening as a core quality, you are contributing to the emotional and well-being needs of the people in your community/organisation.

I thought I was a decent listener, but realise now some of the pitfalls that I fell into. The training has increased my awareness of really listening in order to understand.

Training Delegate

Setting up your own listening service

We can also provide training in how to set up a Listening Service and have worked with a number of churches training and supporting them in setting up a service for their local community.

Would you like to train to help others?

Please contact us. We will arrange to visit you to discuss what works best for you.

Contact us

Volunteer with us

We are looking for volunteer listeners to help develop formal listening initiatives. Listeners can be independent who will visit workplaces on a pre-agreed basis. In addition, we can train staff to become recognised listeners on behalf of their own organisation; or train all staff to develop their general listening skills.

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