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Eat cake for a good cause!

Whilst many organisations we partner with are able to make a financial contribution towards their service, others are not in a position to do so therefore fund-raisers, contributions and donations are vital to ensure more people are able to access our support services. It also gives us the opportunity to pilot new schemes and offer our pastoral care services to an ever-increasing group of people.

We will be hosting events with our friends, our family members, neighbours, community groups and work colleagues and we would love you to get involved. All that is needed is a willingness to host – in your home, your garden, your work kitchen, at your desk (we’d love to see photos of creative hosting places!) – provide cakes (bought or made), invite people to chat and enjoy and have a pot for any kind donations.

Here you can download a poster, social media post, invitations and cake labels. You can also download our Fundraising Pack or contact for further information. Every penny counts towards the continuation of our Listening and Chaplaincy services.